13 Things You Should Avoid to Stay Healthy

An age-old saying states that health is wealth. While most people equate being healthy to physical exercise and a nutritious diet, several other factors are involved in maintaining your health.
things you should throw away to stay healthy
Things You Should Throw Away to Stay Healthy
Here is a list of some common things people use every day that may be causing more harm than good in the long run.

1. Antibacterial soaps
Antibacterial soaps are usually made with strong chemicals and antiseptic agents such as triclosan and BPA. (1) Exposure to these agents for prolonged periods can lead to significant problems such as thyroid issues, respiratory problems such as asthma, and skin allergies.
2. Plastic water bottles and containers
Plastic containers are made of harmful chemicals such as bisphenols (BPA, BPF, etc.), phthalates, and polychlorinated biphenyls. These substances can seep into the food you store in plastic containers.
3. Air fresheners and room deodorizers
throw away air fresheners to stay healthy
Air fresheners use butane propellant to help spray the product. Inhaling it may lead to increased heart rate, asthma, and other health issues. 
4. Expired medication and vitamins
Expired items, especially the ones you consume, can pose a serious health hazard to your family. Always make sure to check the expiry label on a food product or medication before consuming it.
5. Old or frayed toothbrush
Old toothbrushes become hotbeds of bacteria. You should always change your tongue cleaners and toothbrushes once in three months. Never store them in closed spaces to prevent bacterial growth. 
6. Old contact lens case
Contact lens cases tend to get dirty with time. It is important to clean them regularly with lens solution and change them after a while. Even properly cleaned lens cases have a tendency to acquire dirt and bacteria after some time.
7. Kitchen sponges
replace your used kitchen sponges regularly
Kitchen sponges can turn into breeding grounds for a wide range of microorganisms (even when there is no visible dirt or grime on them). Replace your sponges frequently and clean them properly.
8. Worn-out running shoes
Running shoes tend to get worn out sooner than other pairs of shoes. Worn-out shoes can be harmful to the health of your feet as they put a strain on your foot muscles and bones.
9. Frozen and canned foods
frozen/canned foods must be thrown away to ensure your health
Frozen foods are filled with preservatives and chemicals that can be extremely harmful to your family’s health. On top of that, the excessive processing required to prepare them leaves them with little to no nutrients.
10. Stale spices and condiment packets
Spices and condiments turn less potent and aromatic the longer they are stored. They also tend to be contaminated with bacteria after a year of storage. 

11. Diet soda
Multiple studies have proven that diet soda may actually cause weight gain – which goes against the entire point of a drink marketed to people trying to stay healthy and fit. It has been linked with weight gain and metabolic syndrome in mice.
12. Chemical-enriched cosmetics
chemical-enriched products must not be used to avoid infections
Cosmetic products such as makeup brushes, lipsticks, and eyeshadow palettes tend to accumulate bacteria after a few months of use. 
13. Old bras
Old bras lose their elasticity and turn uncomfortable to use. Ill-fitting bras cause sagging breasts and may even cause breast pain or shoulder pain.
The maximum life span of a bra is 8–10 months and should be replaced after.


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