Facts That Will Surprise You

1. There are over 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest.
Many of the climbers who have died on the mountain are buried in snow, but there are well-known corpses that present climbers use as markers on their route.
2. If sound waves could travel through space, the sun burning would be as loud as a chainsaw.
It's a good thing we can't hear space activity from Earth. If sound was able to travel, we'd hear the sun burning at 100 decibels, which is about the same volume as a chainsaw, jackhammer, or noisy subway.

3. Aluminum was once more valuable than gold.
Aluminum was once more valuable than gold.
In the 1800s, aluminum was valued more than gold and silver because it was more rare. Unlike iron, aluminum is difficult to extract from ores. Once a chemist figured out how to get some flakes, people loved the color and shine of this new metal.
4. Australia is wider than the moon. The moon sits at 3400km in diameter, while Australia’s diameter from east to west is almost 4000km.
5. Crocodiles are biologically immortal.
Crocodiles are biologically immortal.
Instead of aging, crocodiles get physically bigger. A young crocodile is actually in the same shape as one 10 times its age. Because they keep growing in size over their lifetime, they require a lot more food. They'll die from either starvation or disease.
6. Saudi Arabia imports camels and sand from Australia.
Camels are a huge part of the Muslim diet, and due to a camel shortage, Saudi Arabia has looked to other places to get their meat. The remaining population of wild camels is in ustralia.
Australia's garnet sand is also largely exported to the country because of its unique properties ideal for sandblasting. This technique is used to pressure-clean building surfaces.
7. The longest English word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
This 45-letter word is a lung disease caused by inhalation of silicate or quartz dust.
8. The placebo effect will still work even if you're aware it's a placebo.
Even after being told that your treatment is a sugar pill, your symptoms can still drastically improve fully knowing it's fake.
9. We've only explored less than five percent of the ocean.
The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth, and 95 percent of it still remains unseen by us.
10. When you read to yourself, your tongue and vocal cords still shape the words.
When you read to yourself, your tongue and vocal cords still shape the words.
Subvocal speech is when your throat receives nerve signals that control speech. You might be thinking or reading to yourself without saying anything aloud, but your tongue and vocal cords are still getting signals from your brain.


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