THE MYSTERY CIRCLE My girlfriend, Melinda died the first day I kissed her. Worst day of my life

No, she wasn't sick. She had absolutely no medical challenge. She just died mysteriously.
It happened on a Tuesday night. It was the first time we were meeting. We were in a long distance relationship which began after we met in Facebook.
We had been dating for 2 months. She stays in Enugu, and I, in Lagos, so the distance was too much for us to have met earlier.
When we started planning the meeting, Melinda didn't tell anyone. In fact, none of her family members knew where she was going.
The only person that knew was her best friend in ESUT where she studies.
She arrived Lagos late, and I went to the motor park to pick her. She was as beautiful as I have always imagined. We hugged, and then, I took her to my apartment in Lekki.
Immediately we entered my sitting room, I couldn't resist the urge to kiss the love of my life. I walked up to her, looked keenly into her eyes, and kisses her. She loved every bit of it, so she kissed me right back.
The kiss lasted a few minutes, and just when I started touching her other body parts, Melinda started breathing fast. Her breathing became irregular, and unusual. It was as though she was having an asthmatic attack.
But it was all strange because she never told me of any such medical condition
It was such a catastrophe, and I was thrown into a deep pandemonium.
The hard breathing metamorphosed into an acute convulsion. Before I knew it, my girlfriend was sprawled in the floor, fighting for her life.
I was confused and confused at the same time. I didn't know what to do.
Was I to call the neighbors? Should I call my parents back home? Should I call her people back in Enugu?
Well, my mind was running to fast in the mist of the pandemonium.
Before I could make a choice, my girlfriend gave up the ghost. Yes, Melinda dropped dead right before my eyes.
I was shattered! How could the one I love die just a few minutes after meeting for the first time, under mysterious circumstances?
That was the worst day of my life!
* * * *
Since it was a matter of death, I couldn't keep it a secret anymore. I informed her family and mine, too.
I was arrested by the police and charged for murder.
I was charged to court and I got sentenced to 4 years in jail, and I was meant to serve my jail term in Kirikiri prisons.
However, a few days after I went to jail, I fell terribly sick and almost died. No hospital was able to diagnose my condition. It became obvious it's a spiritual thing.
The truth was revealed when mother took me to a man of God whose church is in Ikotun. He had the gift of vision. He was the one who told us why my girlfriend died, and why I fell terribly sick.
Melinda, my girlfriend was my sister! She was born by a lady whom my father got pregnant while he was working at Nigerian Brewery in Enugu.
But father abandoned her and never asked about her again.
Drowned in bitterness and wrath, Melinda's mother took her to a witch doctor who consecrated her, and said she will be a seed of revenge to Dad's generation.
The man of God said I was the one who was meant to die that day, but because of Mother's prayers, the spiritual attack backfired on Melinda.
Also, if Mother wasn't prayerful enough to know something was spiritually wrong, and brought me for prayers, I would have died in prison before long.
The man of God prayed for me and after I got well, I went back to prison to serve the rest of my jail terms.
I almost died, got accused and jailed for the death of my girlfriend (who turned out to be my half-sister) for the sins of our family.


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