Crazy accident but luckily survive

Carlos Rodriguez in a ghastly car accident crashed his car and hit a pole causing him to get ejected from his seat and fly through the window. He made heavy contact with the ground smashing his skull. He had a huge chunk of his brain and skull removed so he could survive. Aron Ralston cut off his own arm after being trapped by a boulder while he was hiking for 127 hours. He was hiking alone in Utah when he crash landed into a canyon and had his right hand pinned against the wall by an 800 pound rock. In 1848 while he was working on a new railroad track in Vermont, a 13 pound metal pole blasted through his skull. This affected a part of his brain which changed his personality. Luckily he survived for 12 years In 2003, construction worker Ron Hunt fell face first onto an 18 inch auger drill bit. He was working on top of a ladder drilling something overhead, the ladder started wobbling. Following safety measures, he tossed the drill down when he realised he was falling and landed on it M ...