The Sad Story of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

Two best friends dressed in a matching sports wear, they went out on the night of August 4, 2002 to buy sweets from a local store in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England. They had no idea they were leaving their families forever. Holly Marie Wells and Jessica Aimee Chapman were reported missing later that night by 9:55pm.

One of the people who claimed they had seen the girls was a local school caretaker, Ian Kevin Huntley. Huntley said he saw the girls and prayed for their safe return. He even became an unofficial spokesman for the community in the days following the girls’ disappearance.

13 days later, the severely decomposed bodies of the girls were discovered in an irrigation ditch more than 10 miles from their home; their bodies were already skeletonized.

It didn’t take long for Ian Huntley, the local school caretaker, whom the girls knew and probably trusted to be arrested. DNA evidence implicated him. Huntley had lured the girls into his home before strangling them. To hide evidence, he had attempted to burn their bodies.

Huntley was sentenced to a minimum of 40 years in prison.


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