In 1918, a woman named Fanya Kaplan tried to assassinate Vladimir Lenin, who had become the leader of Soviet Russia after the revolution.

In 1918, a woman named Fanya Kaplan tried to assassinate Vladimir Lenin, who had become the leader of Soviet Russia after the revolution.

Fanya Kaplan didn't agree with Lenin's ideas and the government he was building. On August 30, 1918, she saw her chance to take action. When Lenin was speaking to a crowd in Moscow, she got close and shot at him several times. Although he was hurt, Lenin survived.

Even though Fanya Kaplan's plan didn't work, it had big consequences. Lenin's injuries made him stay away from the public eye for a while. During that time, the government got even tougher on anyone who didn't agree with them.

Fanya Kaplan was caught, questioned, and then executed. Her actions became a symbol of resistance against the government. Her attempt and the way the government reacted give us a glimpse into how complicated and difficult things were in early Soviet Russia. Different groups were fighting for control, and the government was doing everything it could to stay in charge.


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