Why are some very smart people so quiet?

1. They don’t normally like to show off. Highly intelligent people are usually humble, just like rich people and celebrities among people who try to be their fake versions.

2. They acknowledge the power of silence. As a result, they also know when to stop. They know the golden value of keeping silent, especially in the middle of emotional turbulence.

3. Do you know what are they talking about? Let’s not forget that highly intelligent people are selective in terms of their friendship circles and things that they love to discuss with their friends. Not all people can understand what are they saying.

4. It’s a part of their characters. Many intelligent people have been quiet since their childhood, and such patterns continue until their adulthood.

5. They love to live inside their head. Most people don’t get it, why do highly intelligent people love to spend time inside their heads? However, highly intelligent people don’t see their habits that way. For them, their imaginary worlds are some of their greatest pleasures.

6. They usually hide something behind their intelligence. The hidden parts of themselves can be good or bad, depending on the individuals and the situations they are encountering. A quiet yet highly intelligent philanthropist who was a recidivist for drug dealing issues is one of the examples.

7. They observe everything and never miss anything. So, that’s why they keep quiet most of the time.
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