They called me camel girl

This photograph, taken around 1885 to 1886, showcases Ella Harper. Harper suffered from a highly uncommon medical condition called congenital genu recurvatum, which caused her knees to bend in the opposite direction. As a result, she found it more comfortable to move on all fours.

In 1886, Harper joined a circus as a performer. She earned a reported $200 per week, which is equivalent to over $6,500 in today's currency. A bio card distributed to circus spectators included the following information about her:

"I called the camel girl because my knees turn backward. I can walk best on my hands and feet as you see me in the picture. I have traveled considerably in the show business for the past four years and now, this is 1886 and I intend to quit the show business and go to school and fit myself for another occupation.


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